Parking in Woods Cross City
All-Night Parking 14-15-010
The overnight parking ordinance will be enforced effective November 1st through March 31st. Woods Cross City Code 14-5-010 states, in part: “No person shall park a vehicle on any street within the jurisdiction of Woods Cross during the period from November 1st to March 31st between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. of any day…”. Be advised that this ordinance will be strictly enforced regardless of weather conditions. Curbside parking is also not allowed in times of imminent snow or forecast snow.
Storing Vehicle on Street 14-15-040
The ordinance regarding storing vehicles on the street, Woods Cross City Code 14-15-040 will be strictly enforced. It states, in part: “No person shall park a hauling trailer, boat, motor vehicle, bus, camping vehicle, truck, vehicle, or any other similar contrivance upon any highway within the jurisdiction of Woods Cross City for more than a continuous twenty-four (24) hour period”.
Truck Parking 14-15-050
The truck parking ordinance will be strictly enforced. Woods Cross City Code 14-15-050 states, in part: “No person shall park any vehicle having a total gross weight, loaded or unloaded, in excess of 18,000 lbs., or having a total length in excess of 24 feet, within any residential zone or along any collector or arterial street…as designated on the most current City General Plan or City Zoning Map”.