1555 South 800 West, Woods Cross, Utah 84087



Operation Identification is a citizen’s burglary prevention program for use in homes and business. The Operation ID program involves the marking of property with an identifying number as a means of discouraging burglary and theft. In communities where it has been properly implemented, Operation Identification has shown dramatic results in its ability to reduce burglaries.

The Operation ID program has two parts …

  • First: Mark your valuables with your Utah Driver’s License Number so that your property can be easily traced and identified as yours.
  • Second: Display a sticker that tells would-be burglars that your property has been marked.

What Makes Operation Identification So Effective

Marked property is difficult for a burglar to dispose of or re-sell. It can be traced to the rightful owner with relative ease. If the burglar is caught with marked property, It is solid evidence of possession of stolen goods.

How to Participate

EngravingPenTo participate in Operation Identification call the Woods Cross Police Department and ask to borrow an electric engraving tool. If we have one available, it can be picked up at the police station front counter. There is no charge to use the engraver, however it must be returned within 24 hours. If an engraver is not available, one can be purchased at True Value (item 653524 ) at very little expense.
When marking your valuables, always use your Utah Drivers License Number, never your Social Security Number Also, always use the two letter state identifier along with your license number. Notice there are no gaps or spaces in the numbers shown.
Example – UT12345678
As you mark your items, always engrave the number on an area that cannot be easily dismantled, and which is not easily seen.
After marking your property, make a list of your valuables and keep a copy of the list in a safe place. If you should subsequently become a burglary victim, you will be able to quickly describe the stolen property from the list. Of course some items can not be marked and we suggest a photograph or video of these items. This will be of great help to the police department in our attempts to recover the stolen property.
OpidOnce property has been marked and a list made, display an Operation Identification sticker on doors and windows which might be used for entry. Stickers are available free to residents of Woods Cross. Stop by the Woods Cross Police station and show your filled out valuables list to get your stickers. Limit: 2 free per household. By advertising your participation in “Operation ID” in this way, you are announcing that your valuable property has been marked and will be difficult for a burglar to re-sell. Often the presence of the sticker alone is enough to deter a burglar.
“Burglary is the most frequently committed crime in the United States. By participating in Operation Identification you are taking one important step to protect your possessions from burglary and theft.”